Friday, September 3, 2010

Much ado about Mario

Mucho gusto

How-d'ye do! My name's Mario I am from the foothills of North County, San Diego.  Fallbrook to be exact, although kinder to fifth I was at Central school in Escondido.  Afterwards, I attended Potter Junior High and bridged my way to Fallbrook High School.  In high school my main interest was agricultural education, meaning I was part of FFA - Future Farmers of America!  I raised a lamb, germinated beans, and potted plants.  I really enjoyed the Ag department.  Later, at Palomar community college I began to cultivate myself with literature.  From Palomar I transferred to the University of California Irvine.  The campus is gorgeous and the Humanities Department is great.  I left with a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature.  After graduation I wanted to teach English but finding no luck I held a series of odd jobs in Fallbrook; I painted homes, washed windows in high places, walked dogs and later I was a host at the Benihana's off of Poinsettia in Carlsbad.  I'm Back at school at last satisfying prerequisites.

As for my position in the technology continuum, I'm a novice so this is my first blog.  My experience with technology is basic.  I love MP3s.  My sophomore year in high school I was exposed to MP3 file sharing with Napster, it made life great to find music at the touch of a button.  But that all came crashing down.  Now I'm back to buying albums and compiling playlists.  I use Microsoft Office constantly and currently learning to use FileMaker Pro and the 4D client at work.  I'm a data entry clerk for the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education, we too are part of the San Diego County Office of Education but we are located at the North Coastal Regional Education Center in San Marcos.

The College of Education Mission Statement stands out in the courses offered by the California State University San Marcos; such as with the technology tools course.  The COE Mission Statement expects us to work together through the practices it promotes.  I believe the course is the driving force that joins and outfits the considerate learner.  For example the blogs unfold an area to join efforts and rally ideas.  I believe the CSUSM will expose us to many other ideas reflected in the Mission Statement.  I also really like the idea of building "educational equity" I yearn to learn and to build my "educational equity."


  1. Hey Mario,
    Well I am really impress for everything you done. I wish I could already have a BA and keep going for more like you are. I think you will be a good English teacher or an Agriculture. May be even at your same high school.

  2. Hey Mariooo
    thats really cool that you were a part of the Future Farmers of America, ive heard a lot about that program especially from the last chicano arts class i took we had a guest speaker from Fallbrook come down and tell us all about it.
    i agree with you, we should all works towards building our educational equity!

  3. Hey Mario
    Its nice to know you were part of FFA, sounds like fun. I just gave my dad three plants of chiles and one of my dreams is to have ranch so I can have some horses and plant some corn or something.

  4. I got into computers when I was a kid through file-sharing programs as well. It's probably the greatest thing to happen in my experience with technology. I've been exposed to a variety of music genres because of it. Its tough that after you graduated you couldn't do what you really wanted to do and just worked odd jobs, which is probably a common theme for most of the college graduates for our generation. I'm glad you found your way back.
